Travel is about seeing new places. It opens your mind to new horizons, new experience, to experience completely different cultures, cuisines and landscapes. It’s more than just capturing memories within photographs; it is about the transformation that takes place within myself to view the world as it really is.
1. Confidence
Travelling took me out of my comfort zone and helped build my confidence. At first, the idea of travelling somewhere I did not know, away from my family, friends, activities, and hangouts, scared me.
Nonetheless, I took the plunge, and I was surprised. I developed a confidence that I never knew I had. I was also able to take on challenges that I would never have known how to tackle previously.
This is because we learn from uncomfortable and unfamiliar situations. In our daily routines, we know how to act and respond to people in our surroundings. Being in a new place, with different people who hold different values and go about life differently (or not so differently), helps us to figure out how we can connect with people despite differences. This makes us smarter and more competent well-rounded people. I have to learn to embrace the discomfort. I later went on to search for it because it is helping me develop as a person.
2. Travel puts life into perspective
Travel is a great way to put life into perspective. Some people have grown up with all the modern world's comforts and had the opportunity to go to school or even university; I was one of these people. It is easy to forget that this isn’t the case for everyone globally or even in the country you live in.
I was fortunate enough to volunteer from a young age, helping out in causes that I strongly believe in. I have always had a strong passion for education, and funnily enough, my first volunteering experience was in a saturday school tutoring English as a second language. I had the privilege of working with a diverse range of people from different backgrounds and working with various disabilities. I am also very passionate about homelessness, so I had the opportunity to volunteer in a local church in Aberystwyth to help provide a meal for the homeless. This experience was an eye-opener for me because when I sat down to listen to what various people had to say about being homeless, it really changed my perspective of how I viewed life. It made me appreciate life a whole lot more.
Travelling can also be a big wake up call and put your own life in perspective. Things that you may take for granted, like having running hot water, modern appliances and the opportunity to study and get a well-paid job at the end of it, is not available to everyone, purely because of where they were born. You’ll probably come away with a new appreciation for everything you have and the opportunities that life throws your way.
3. Travelling opens the mind.
Even if you live in a multicultural society and people of all beliefs and cultures live in your city, this is only scratching the surface of what is out there. Travel is a great way to immerse yourself in the cultural diversity that exists in our world. From festivals to food, weddings and funeral ceremonies, it’s mind-blowing the unique ways different ethnic groups and tribes choose to celebrate life and the ancient customs that dictate everyday living. For example, when I went to Greece, I learnt that traditionally brides put bitter orange blossom in good fortune and fertility. I also feel that travel breaks down stereotypes. For example, when I travelled to Falmouth, I found it very busy and built up, yet you had a stunning landscape and a relaxed atmosphere. This contradicted the stereotype that all the south of England was very rural with farmlands and A roads. I really enjoyed my time there. I am so glad that I took the plunge to travel outside my comfort zone.
4. Change of Scenery
Travelling for me was the best way to break the routine. When I was in Manchester's bustling city, I would escape to the country life: to revive, relax, and refresh. Moreover, when I was in rural South Wales, I would escape to Bristol or Plymouth's bustling city and experience its madness.
A change of scenery not only helps to keep you motivated but can also improve productivity levels. This might help your home environment, work-life if you are studying, and your personal life.
I find that the change of scenery keeps me 'grounded'. Especially when things seem too much for me, whether it be my work life, home life or study. Sometimes being spontaneous and just leaving for my nearest sandy beach is an amazing way to reach that happy place. I personally love the sea. I think there is nothing like listening to the gentle lull of the waves. Listening to the whisper of the wind as it caresses my ears. Not forgetting the Shrill of the gulls. Smelling the salty sea air. Giving salty kisses as my feet sink into the sand, enjoying the sun as I try to bask in it.
Another great and inexpensive way to have a change of scenery is to go camping. I am not one of those rugged campers that go into the wilderness and use the river as a fridge. I go to camping and caravan park or holiday parks such as Park Resorts or Haven. This way, I still have electricity and water and mirrors.
But saying that staying in a tent is not for everyone. Some people get really frightened of the wind, or they don't like mud, or perhaps it is not so great for your back. Then staying in a chalet is just as good, but it is a totally different experience. My experience of chalets is that they have ski lodge aesthetics but in summer. I quite enjoyed staying in a chalet at Cefn Lea because I lay blissfully under the stairs, power reading through my pile of novels. That weekend gets away a large group of teenagers and a handful of parents, including mine. It was so much fun. I remember we had a massive BBQ and then we watched 'Facing the Giants'. This was funny because half of my teenage peers had never considered the struggles of infertility, and when that scene came on, there was a massive hush that descended upon the room. So it was good that they learnt.
This moves me nicely onto my next point, a change of scenery that can give you wonderful memories.
5. Travel Happiness.
When you travel with the right people or just by yourself, travel is a great way to realign and find balance in your life, resulting in a happier, healthier you!